Oct 9, 2011


Could you do me a favor?
I am dying
really wanna die now
just let me die
I can't take it anymore

Where is Michael?

Kadang aku jatuh dalam kebingunganku sendiri menghadapi masalah yang aku hasilkan sendiri. Putus asa, kesal, rapuh.
Banyak yang ada dalam otak peyotku yang gak mampu mencerna hal-hal berat...bahkan dari mulutku sendiri? Bagaimana bisa? Karena terkadang manusia itu gak mikir dulu sebelum ngomong.

Maka semua itu menjadi tanggung jawabku sendiri. Gak bisa menyalahkan siapa-siapa, karena seemuanya gara-gara aku.

Satu menit pertama, aku bimbang, di menit kemudian, ketika masalah mulai mencair, aku tenang. Tapi ini semua gak berlangsung lama. Semuanya akan terjadi lagi, sekuat apapun aku menahannya.

Karena aku cuma manusia biasa, dengan pikiran yang lemah

Feb 1, 2011

Gothic Stuffs

I'm always excited when I see gothic and gory stuffs. While other girls like sleeping with teddy bears and pink bunnies, I prefer hug my Jack Skellington pillow and watch SAW series until midnight.

This is what I really like. I'm so crazy over skulls, skeletons and blood...

Dec 29, 2010


“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”

(Norman Cousins Quotes)

When death comes, everything seems to stop. No one is around, no light, no sound, nothing. Empty, sorrow, pain, loneliness...

But why do some of people want to end their life immediately? Even only because of a small thing?
Then death becomes a best solution for them. They probably think that death will bring them into peace--Only God knows. Are you sure? Life may end, but the pain continues, there's another life after a life.. (evil laughs)

What To Say

I've been thinking of what I should put in my Blog. Because sometimes, when I got some ideas, I'll be confused how to put them in here.

So I'm still searching for the other ideas.....